by Synchrony Chiropractic | Mar 30, 2021 | Blog
Everyone has been there. You’re trying to lose weight, but nothing you do is working. Every time you go on a diet, you lose a few pounds, but then it just comes right back. One thing that could affect weight loss is carbs. One way to keep track of carbs is to use the...
by Synchrony Chiropractic | Mar 23, 2021 | Blog
Normally, inflammation is a healthy reaction of the immune system against invading harmful foreign stimuli. But in our society, chronic inflammation has become a tool that works against our body. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) has ranked chronic...
by Synchrony Chiropractic | Mar 16, 2021 | Blog
The term “detox” is thrown around a lot, but there’s little mention of what actually happens when the detoxification process gets going. Sure, a detox is when your body starts to kick the toxins out, but how does it work and what’s the best way to go about it? We’re...
by Synchrony Chiropractic | Mar 9, 2021 | Blog
With every new year, you are likely thinking about your goals. Whether you are looking to lose weight, exercise more, or live a healthier lifestyle, habit formation is critical. Before you make new habits, though, it is essential to identify the bad habits that are...
by Synchrony Chiropractic | Mar 2, 2021 | Blog
Between 45 and 65 percent of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates. That means, if you eat 2,000 calories per day, 900 to 1,300 of them should come from carbs. This fact doesn’t give you carte blanche, though. The truth is, all carbs are not created...
by Synchrony Chiropractic | Feb 23, 2021 | Blog
Once the clock strikes midnight, our New Year’s resolutions take effect. Did you know that 27% of Americans make these resolutions? It’s true. Of those people, resolutions for exercise, diet, and weight-loss are the most common. Yes, a new year means a new you. That...